M. Rebecca Stramoski
Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-32
Forty days
ago we opened our Christmas Season with the turning on of our Christmas tree
lights. However, before electricity each Christmas tree branch held candles. So initially and traditionally, Christians
called the Nativity “the Feast of Lights” in honor of Him who was born as the
Light to the Nations. The Christmas tree
with its many candles represented Christ our Light coming into the world. This morning each of us will receive and hold
a candle that represents Christ our Light, this time coming into our
hearts. Prior to Vatican II, the Church
officially closed the Season with the Feast of the Presentation. So we see that the Christmas Season began and
ended with the celebration of divine light.
throughout history this feast has had so many titles that it is hard to know
what exactly we are celebrating. The
Eastern Church has always celebrated it as the Presentation of the Lord. But they also call it “the Feast of the
Encounter” or “the Meeting of our Lord”.
The West has celebrated it as the feast of the Purification of Mary. But we also call it”Candlemas”. So which is it: Jesus’ Presentation in the
Temple? Mary’s purification? Simeon and Anna and all humanity’s encounter with
God? Or the Light for the Nations in candle bearing? Rather than reflecting confusion, I think it
reveals how full this mystery is!
I realize
you know the source of this feast but I will repeat or refresh it anyway. The presentation of Jesus in the temple
served 2 purposes: the first is the
redemption of the first-born and the second is the purification of a mother
after childbirth. According to Exodus (13:1-2), the first born son belonged to the
Lord but the Book of Numbers (18:15-16)
tells us the first-born could be redeemed or bought back by paying 5
shekels. (How ironic that at the end of
Jesus’ life we will sell him for 30 pieces!) Then also, according to the Jewish Law in
Leviticus (ch 12) Mary, as any Jewish mother,
needed purification after childbirth.
meditating on the gospel for this Feast, I could visualize Mary as an
unassuming young girl carrying her 6 week old infant up the steps of the
temple. She might have been a bit dusty
and tired from the long journey but I can imagine her joy as they entered the
temple. Mary understood the importance
of this act and ritual for her and her baby.
The purification was normally performed in the local synagogue but Mary
and Joseph wanted it to take place in the temple. So we
see, Mary was acting not out of duty and law but out of devotion and love.
How come she was able to pass
everyone around the temple and go unnoticed, yet Simeon and Anna recognized the
Savior right away? Was it because
Simeon and Anna were waiting with expectation?...was it because they were
vigilant? When one is mindful and watchful,
they will see with greater depth. The
child Jesus and Mary enter unobserved, yet Simeon and Anna in their desirous
anticipation saw the Lord. This is why
we as monks and contemplatives are called to be vigilant – so we can recognize
the Lord in unassuming places and in people otherwise unobserved. Does our monastic life express with such confident
expectation our own encounter of Christ?
And is it with the same intensity that Simeon and Anna cherished in
their hearts?
Today we
follow in the footsteps of Mary as we walk to the Church carrying in our hands the
candle which represents Christ within our hearts. Perhaps today we enter a little tired or
dusty from the journey of our lives but we also carry the joy of this act. We, like Mary, do this not out of duty but
devotion; not out of law but out of love.
Many years
later Jesus will enter the temple again and announce, “I am the light of the
world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of
life”. When he was crucified “there was
darkness over all the land” but on the third day this darkness made way for the
light of the resurrection. Light shined
out from the Cross and opened the way for eternal life. It is the same imagery of those candles in the
Christmas tree, a tree symbolizing the wood of the Cross, that carried the
Light of the World.
But what is
this Light the Incarnate Word brings?
How does He dispel the darkness of the world? What is the revelation He brings? It is a revelation of God’s unconditional,
unchanging, uncomplicated love – always there, simple and pure. God’s love can brighten the darkest night of
the year as well as the darkest spaces in each of our lives. When asked what does this light illume? Pope John Paul II answered that it illuminates the
darkness of human souls. “How much personal toil it costs each of us in order
that – through everything in us that is “dark” – we can reveal what is luminous”.
This is a challenge. There is a cost (a human effort) for us to
dispel the darkness and allow Christ to lighten and enlighten our soul. We see this accomplished in a person of
simplicity, of humility, of love, of self-sacrifice. So again, what is illumined by this light? The answer is our life and it is answered BY
our life…. (how we live).
I’d also
like to bring out another point from the other readings for today. In the book of Malachi, he prophesizes that
in the future “the Lord will suddenly enter his temple” and the sacrifice of
the Levite priests will be purified so that a pure sacrifice will be offered to
God. The second reading from Hebrews
confirms that Jesus will also be the High Priest who offers himself at the
altar of Calvary. This pure sacrifice is
offered to us today and every day in the Eucharist. In the procession before mass we will be
holding in our hands a candle representing Christ’s Presence, but today in the
mass we will be holding in our hands the “Real Presence” – the Body of Christ. It is here at the altar that we, too, will be
celebrating the Feast of the Encounter…the meeting of the Lord.
So this
morning as we receive the candle and process into church and place them on the
altar, let us pray that we may be like Mary: women filled with devotion and
love for Christ. Let us pray that we may
be like Simeon and Anna: women who
eagerly anticipate and keep vigil for the coming of Christ. Let us pray that we will be like the candles
we carry: women who bear the light of
Christ for all to see. And let us pray
that we will be like Jesus Christ in the Eucharist: women who offer their lives to God in worship
and serve others with selfless love.
There at the altar we will leave our candles burning to
represent this participation in God’s Light, Life, and Love…a participation OF
our life and BY our life.
Thank you for your insight. "When one is mindful and watchful, they will see with greater depth." I have noticed this in my own life. The challenge is to be mindful of Him and watchful in that regard. The more I let Him show me, the more there is to see. It's pretty exciting!